(┌','┐) i'm in noun

Beberapa benda yang mewakili kepribadian saya

i'm umbrella
i'm umbrella for my mine
i'm umbrella when i was become a short tempered girl
i'm umbrella for my sister
i'm umbrella to make them safety
i'm umbrella to prepare accident such as raining alot in sudden
i'm umbrella for my friend
i'm umbrella to hear their problem
i'm umbrella to protect my love

i'm umbrella bacause i protect everyone while hard 

 i'm paper
i'm paper to write all story my life
i'm paper to ink bliss
i'm paper to beautiful announcement
i'm paper to save awesome memories
i'm paper to report the best wishes
i'm paper to recycle bad to good
i'm paper to recycle zero to hero
i'm paper which is never useless
i'm paper bacause i'm usefull for everybody

i'm bounceball
i'm bounceball as my friends call me 'boncel'
i'm bounceball ad my friend shouting me, 'cel..cel..cel'
i'm bounceball such as small round my body posture
i'm bounceball to arround everywhere
i'm bounceball that bounced to a place that i like
i'm bounceball to make everybody happy when play with me
i'm bounceball beacuse i'm fleksible

i'm balloon
i'm balloon the air filled with positive energy
i'm balloon can fly to reach the highest place
i'm ballo who can bring people see the world more realistic
i'm balloon to see nature from above to be more grateful
i'm balloon which can be broken if there is a stabbing
i'm ballon bacause i wanna fly to pick up my future

i'm flaslight
i'm flashlight to make happines in the dark
i'm flashlight used to arise the light of love
i'm flashlight when black seems like white 
i'm flashlight masquerade when my friend crying in the dark dilemma
i'm flashlight to bring light of hope
i'm flashlight bacause i'm brighten

i'm kancing
i'm kancing inherent in the hearts of people who know me
i'm kancing to cover the human body from negative set
i'm kancing adhesive used as a tool of kinship
i'm kancing looks so small but usefull
i'm kancing makes more figurative beauty with attitude
i'm kancing allow to easy going
i'm kancing bacause i like explore my silaturahmi :))

Moral valeu:
  • Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler - Albert Einsten
  •  All the great thing are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word : freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope - Winston Churcill

so, benda apa yang mewakili kepribadian anda ?

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